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How can I create a new Event?
How can I create a new Event?

Want to create a new event? Here we'll show you how to do this in Fitogram Pro.

Written by Vlad
Updated over 2 years ago

Click on the "+"-button next to the search bar and select New Event.

Basic information

  • Type: A detailed description of the appointment types can be found here.

  • Name: Choose a suitable name.

  • Trainer: Choose the name of the trainer. If you haven't created the trainer yet, just create one right here using the "+"- symbol.

  • Location: Enter the location where the event takes place.

  • Status: Select Public if you want to show the event in the online course calendar. Instead, select Private (Not visible for customers) to save it only in the calendar in your FitogramPro account.

  • Class size: Enter the maximum number of participants here.

  • Do you offer an online stream for this course? : Choose the appropriate option.

    • If you want to use our Zoom-Integration for you online classes, you can find here further information about the integration

Event Description

  • The category the event belongs to (e.g. Yoga, Pilates, etc.)

  • The field Colour helps you to assign colours to your different classes for a better distinction between your sports offer.

  • A description which customers can read when booking the class (visible only for public events). On the top right you can choose the language in which you want to enter the description.

Event schedule

  • Here you can set at what time, with what start and possible end date and in what repetition rhythm the event should take place.

  • Do you offer the same class on other days with different starting times? Then you can easily Add another series or an event.

Booking details

  • Automatic waiting list: Is there a waiting list for the event?

  • Booking period: Should there be a certain period in which bookings are possible? If yes, then you can specify at this point from when the appointment should be bookable and from when no more bookings are possible.

  • Refund window: What is the period for your customers to cancel their bookings and have their credits refunded? Here you can set the time before the event until your customers can receive a refund/no longer receive a refund according to how long they cancel their bookings before the event starts.

Booking rules

  • Click Add a group: Assign the event to the right booking group so that it is subsequently linked to the right product. More info about the booking rules here.

Important: Don't forget to save your settings at the end by clicking Apply! 

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