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How can I cancel a single event or a recurring series of events?
Written by Ivan
Updated over 2 years ago

I wish to cancel a single event

If you want to cancel a single event out of an events recurring series, just follow these simple steps.

  1. Click on the event you want to cancel.

  2. Click on the "Option" - "Cancel" in the top right of the window

3. Confirm by clicking Cancel event.

Caution: If you cancel an event you are canceling all bookings.

You will see the event on your schedule and calendar as cancelled.

Schedule view

Calendar view

How can I uncancel an event?

It’s possible to uncancel an already canceled event by clicking on it and then clicking "Options and Uncancel event" in the upper right of the window.

Then confirm you want to uncancel the course, meaning the course is visible for the Urban Sports club members

How to delete an event permanently?

You have the possibility to delete an event permanently and you will not be able to uncancel it / enable the course back again.

It takes two steps for a complete course deletion:

  1. click on Option - Cancel on the upper right corner

  2. Confirm the course cancelation

  3. Click back again on Option - Delete on the upper right corner

4. Confirm the deletion of the event permanently

Now come back to your schedule or calendar pages, the event is entirely deleted

I wish to cancel a recurring series of events

If you want to cancel a recurring series, then follow these steps.

  1. Click on the event in your calendar.

  2. Click on the Edit button in the top-right of the window

  3. Click on Edit event group at the bottom-right of the page.

  4. Now click on End event group

  5. Click confirm – now the series is deleted.

You have the possibility to choose the date when you can end your event group. Please be aware of the fact that all bookings will be canceled

When you come back to the home page the event group has been deleted.

6. You will probably ask yourself if and how the member will get a notification?

  • The Urban Sports Club members automatically receive notifications about their bookings.

  • When the partner cancels the class, then the member booking will be cancelled at the same time.

  • The member will be notified automatically by Urban Sports Club without any changes on your part.

  • However, if you as a partner are updating or doing other modifications to the class or the event group, the Urban Sports Club member will not be notified about it.

For more details, please read this article.

In case you have any questions left and if you want to contact us, please use the Chat button on the bottom left corner of your Partner Portal.

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