Here you can find all the numbers of your trainers.
As on all other dashboards, you will find at the top:
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The set period for which the data will be displayed
Overview of a selected trainer
You can find here the data of selected trainers. Using the filter, you can select the name of a trainer and the overview will show you his performance in the selected period.
How many events did the trainer have?
How many bookings did the trainer have?
How many of the participants were present and how many were absent?
How many clients have participated in a course with this trainer?
In which customer segment is the trainer most popular? Among regular customers or new customers?
Tip: If a trainer has a lot of fading champions and regulars, it's worth taking a closer look at the cause of these trends.
Overview of all trainers
In this overview, you will find a complete overview of your trainers.
Number of events
Number of customers
Number of bookings
Average planned seats per event
Average visits per events
Percentage of seats occupied
Average visits per customer
Trainer revenue allocation
You want to know which of your trainers makes the most turnover? Here you can find the assigned turnover for each trainer.
Requirements for a payment to be considered as assigned:
The payment is marked as paid/received;
The payment is associated with a booking and event which status is known and not marked as cancelled;
(Trainer attribution only) The event has at least one trainer assigned.
Every payment that does not comply with any of the above requirements is marked as not assigned.
Payments which can be used to book more than one event (e.g. credit passes or contracts) are assigned proportionately: If a 3-point credit pass costs a total of 150 €, 50 € will be allocated to the respective coach for each booking with this product. If an event is supervised by more than one coach, the amount is divided by the respective number of coaches.
Top trainers
This shows the popularity of your trainers. Which trainer has the highest attendance rate and which trainer has the most absent participants?
You can also see how many customers per customer segment attend which trainer.
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