Here you can find all the numbers about your customers
As on all other dashboards, you will find at the top:
Filter options
"Jump to" to quickly change to the next dashboard
A link to the help center
The set period for which the data will be displayed
Customer profile
In the customer profile, you will find mainly demographic data about your customers.
Total customers
Proportion of genders
Age grouping of your customers
Total number of customers per customer segment (Here you can find more information about the customer segments)
In the overview, you can see the customer trends. How many customers have participated in your courses per day? How many customers are there on average?
Likewise, you can see the customers by days of the week and by time of day.
On which day of the week do most customers come?
At what time of day do most customers come?
The customers' best list
In the best list you will find the customers who have booked the most with you in the given period and the customers who have booked the least with you.
All time customer overview
Here you will find data on the booking behavior of your customers for the entire period. You can also see your new customers.
Total number of customers per customer segment
Your new customers
Your top 50 customers by bookings
Your flagging customers
Tip: Identify your regular customers and reward them, or send a message to your flagging customers to motivate them to book and not lose them.
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