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How can I create a drop-in?

Create a product for a drop-in/single event

Written by Vlad
Updated over a week ago

Drop-ins involve one-off participation in a course or class.
A drop-in is spontaneous and is offered by most fitness providers.

Create Drop In

  1. Click on Products in the menu on the left.

  2. Click on the button New Product.

  3. Select Credit pass by clicking on the corresponding + symbol

General information

  • Name, e.g. "Drop In"

  • What should the description be for the online shop?
    If the product is available online, you can add a description that your customers will see when they buy the product. For example, you can enter information about the validity or the number of credits.
    If you have international customers, we advise that you select the British or French flag and translate the description accordingly.

  • Price
    Specify the gross price and select the VAT rate applicable to you.

Credit pass details

  • Number of units
    How many sessions can be booked with the product?

  • Validity
    Here you specify how long the Drop In is valid after the purchase.

  • Activation date: select from the dropdown menu if you prefer that the credit pass will become active right after the purchase (even if the customer will not use the credit pass to book an event) or when the customer books the first event.

  • Activate autobooking?
    If this option is activated, after booking the first unit, the customer is automatically booked into the subsequent units. You can find more information about the feature here.

Payment settings

  • Which payment method can be used to buy this product online?
    If standard payment methods are selected, then the product can be paid for by the payment methods that you activated under Settings > Accounting > Payment methods.
    Choosing Individual payment methods you can select the payment methods for the respective product individually.
    The On site payments only - option is useful for free products as customers don't have to select a payment method then.

  • Can be sold as a voucher?
    Here you decide whether the product can also be bought as a voucher.

    Please note: The voucher can be redeemed online via the booking tool or on site.

Booking Details

  • Available in the online shop?
    Specify whether the product can also be booked online by your customers.

  • Can a customer only purchase this product once?
    Specify whether the product can only be purchased once.

  • Booking rules:
    Here you select the booking group that can be booked with the product. For example, if the trial visit only applies to yoga classes or 60-minute classes, then select the appropriate booking group. Find out more about booking rules here.

At the end don't forget to click Confirm to save your drop in!

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