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Create your classes
Written by Vlad
Updated over 2 years ago

To create your first class, select '+ new Event' in the top right corner of your dashboard. In the next step, choose the type of event you would like to create.

Fill in all information applicable at each tab:


Fill in the title of your class and the number of spots available. The location is set automatically for now and the trainer is not displayed on the Urban Sports Club app yet.


You can choose:

  • A sports category, will determine under which filter Urban Sports Club members will find your classes, i.e. Yoga, Pilates, or Fitness.

    Caution: Please only select sports categories that are part of our cooperation agreement. You can find this in our contract within "Partner offer".

  • Describe your event and additional information that is important for the member to know before booking a spot.

    The course description tells Urban Sports Club members what to expect from the course.

NB: The picture of the class is not yet available on the Urban Sports Club app but is still taken from your old profile settings in the original partner tool.


Under schedule, you determine the different times your class takes place and how often it is repeated. Just clik on the button "Add Timeslot" to set it up

On the right side you can choose the date and the hour

On the right side you can determine the recurrence of your classes

  • If you for instance have the same class twice during the week at different times you can add another timeslot.

  • If you want your class to be repeated monthly, weekly or you want a one time class click on the arrow after the recurrence

  • If you want a bi-weekly class or a bi-monthly class, you can do so by choosing the interval of weeks

  • If you have an ending date for your class, you can adjust here as well on the timslot.

Note: you can add as many timeslots as you want by just clicking on the "Add Timeslot" button

Settings: Cancellation window

The last tab called settings is about the cancellation window for your class.

The cancellation window is the period, in which a member is allowed to cancel their attendance in your class without consequences

In order to further simplify the booking process and improve the member experience, we set the maximum cancellation window up to 12 hours before class starts. This will ensure more consistency, fewer no-shows, and alignment.

It is still possible to set your cancellation window to less than 12 hours. Therefore when you are creating a new class you can set the cancellation window from 1-12 hours. The default setting will be 0 hours.


Once you filled in all the necessary details, please don’t forget to save your changes.

In case you have any questions left and if you want to contact us, please use the Chat button in the bottom left corner of your Partner Portal.

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