Signing up

Not sure about the information to provide while creating a FitogramPro account? Here some advice.

Jan-Erik Isermann avatar
Written by Jan-Erik Isermann
Updated over a week ago

The onboarding

The information you are being asked to enter during the registration to FitogramPro will help you to populate your account when you finally get to your own dashboard.

First, you are required to enter some general information about your studio (name, location) and yourself.

Your classes

As the majority of our users are class-based studios, after having entered your email address (which will also be your login) and chosen a password, you can already start creating your schedule.

Not offering classes?

No problem at all. You can edit the information later on to adapt it to your need.

Just create a fake class so that your dashboard will not be empty later on.

  1. Select a class template o choose New Class

  2. Title: write down the name of the class

  3. Select when the class takes place

  4. Enter the starting and end time (schedule)

  5. Specify the maximum number of participants (class size)

  6. Select a trainer by clicking on the + button

  7. Select a location by clicking on the + button

  8. Enter a description of the class (not mandatory)

  9. Click SAVE to continue

You can now either enter a new class or proceed to the next step by clicking on CONTINUE in the lower right corner.

Remember, you will always have later on the possibility to add new class or amend existing ones.

Plan & Passes

You will be now asked to create what we at Fitogram call Products.

Click on the type of product you would like already to set up and enter the required information. Then click SAVE to confirm.

Are you an Urban Sports Club Partner? And are you creating a FitogramPro account just to manage your Urban Sports Club profile?

Do not panic: create a product just out of fun. You can delete it once finished.

You can now either enter a new plan or proceed to the next step by clicking on CONTINUE in the lower right corner.

Remember: you can amend those products or create a new one whenever you want. After having completed the onboarding, you can set up limitations and method of payments.


A sneak peek of your online booking calendar for your end customer (not applicable if you are an Urban Sports Club Partner and you will be using FitogramPro to manage your Urban Sports Club profile.

Click on CONTINUE and later on TAKE ME TO MY STUDIO to finally see your dashboard 🎉

You will receive more information about the next steps.

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