If you are already using the FitogramPro online booking system on your website, we will show you here how to use it in a way which complies with GDPR.
To make your booking widget fit for the GDPR, please proceed as follows:
2. under §1 (2) please add your name, address and e-mail address. If you permanently employ more than 10 people, you must also appoint a data protection officer. In this case, please also add the name and e-mail address of the data protection officer.
Under §1 (3) please insert the link to your data protection statement. 4.
4. attach the entire document to your privacy policy.
5. put the whole thing on your website
Now you should be on the safe side in terms of data protection!
If you still have questions about the integration, please contact [email protected].
If you have any questions about the legal aspects, please contact [email protected].